About Us:
2024- 2025 Officers:
Worshipful Master - Curt Vinson (Affiliate PM)
Senior Warden - Dudley Raybon (Affiliate PM)
Junior Warden - Steve Ethridge
Treasurer - Wade Wilson, PM
Secretary - Berney Beckworth, PM
Chaplain - William Meyers, PM
Senior Deacon - Travis Richards
Junior Deacon - Mark Pearson (Affiliate PM)
Senior Steward - Clint Head
Junior Steward - Paydon Mercer
Marshal - Quinton Anderson
Master of Ceremonies - Bob Muzzy (Affiliate PM)
Tiler - Karl Hoff
Lodge Counselor- Lee Shifflett, PM
Senior Warden - Dudley Raybon (Affiliate PM)
Junior Warden - Steve Ethridge
Treasurer - Wade Wilson, PM
Secretary - Berney Beckworth, PM
Chaplain - William Meyers, PM
Senior Deacon - Travis Richards
Junior Deacon - Mark Pearson (Affiliate PM)
Senior Steward - Clint Head
Junior Steward - Paydon Mercer
Marshal - Quinton Anderson
Master of Ceremonies - Bob Muzzy (Affiliate PM)
Tiler - Karl Hoff
Lodge Counselor- Lee Shifflett, PM
Mission Statement:
It is the Mission of Granbury Lodge #392 A.F. & A.M. to be recognized in the community as a men's fraternity that supports community events and interest, charitable organizations education by making good men of good moral character better through friendship and brotherly love enhanced by Masonic education and time honored Rituals
Stated Goals:
The Goals of Granbury Lodge #392 A.F. & A.M. are to:
- Maintain the integrity of the Ritual and Traditions of the Craft.
- Utilize new, innovative methods and techniques to attract, educate, develop and retain men of good moral character.
- Create a welcoming, warm, and caring environment to promote interaction and friendship among the Brethren and their families.
- Become a well-known and well-respected part of our community through charitable activities, programs to promote recognition of students and educators, and communicating with community leaders, and volunteer work.
Granbury Lodge No. 392, A.F. & A.M. has been chartered for 151 years.
Granbury Masonic Lodge was chartered in 1874 by The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Of Texas. It is rumored that there was originally Masonic five Lodges that had made up Masonic District No. 65 at that time.
Acton No. 285, Granbury No. 392, Jubilee Lodge, Paluxy Lodge No. 393 and
Bluffdale Lodge No. 724.
Grand Lodge records indicate that at the time Granbury Lodge No. 392 was chartered on June 9, 1874, there was only one firmly established Lodge in Hood County, Acton Lodge No. 285, chartered in 1866. The first Lodge chartered in Hood County was Acton Lodge No. 285, chartered in 1858.
Acton No. 285 met on the second floor of the schoolhouse in Action, which was built by the Masons. The school used the first floor and the Lodge was held on the second floor. This was not uncommon in the late 1800's and early 1900. Many Masonic buildings were two stories whereby the first was normally used schools or general stores.
It is noted later in Grand Lodge records that Acton Lodge No. 285 demised in 1922. Jubilee Lodge merged with Granbury No. 392 in 1922 and Paluxy Lodge merged with Bluff Dale No. 724 in 1943. Granbury Lodge is currently the only Lodge in Hood County in Masonic District No. 65.
Although Grand Lodge records do not show where Granbury No. 392 held lodge Granbury Lodge during it's formative years, it does indicate that Granbury No. 392 has always located in Granbury. There is speculation that Granbury No. 392 may have shared a lodge room with Action No. 285 in its early years.
Granbury Lodge No. 392 was formally located on the Square of Granbury at 122 1/2 N. Crockett St. (now the site of Century 21 Realty) before moving to it's current location at 1700 Weatherford Hwy. (Hwy 51).
Granbury No. 392 is under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas as part of Masonic District No. 65 which is composed of Glen Rose No. 525, Granbury No. 392, Milsap No. 1265, Olive Branch No. 792 and Phoenix No. 275. Charity Lodge No. 565 is located Lipan (also in Hood County) but is part of Masonic District 113.
Granbury Lodge No. 392 conducts Called meetings were every Monday, dinner at 6:30 p.m. and work to follow at 7:30 p.m. Monthly Stated meeting is the first Thursday of every month, dinner at 6:30 p.m. and work to follow at 7:30 p.m. Rotating Masonic Ritual (practice) floor workshops are held after dinner on Called meetings if no official work is performed and at 5:30 p.m. on week days. Workshop practice days are announced at the Called meetings.
Granbury No. 392 Lodge also serves as the meeting for the York Rite (Chapter/Council) bodies, Order of the Eastern Star, Shrine club, and Scottish Rite club; please call or stop by for more information.
Granbury Lodge No. 392, A.F. & A.M. has been chartered for 151 years.
Granbury Masonic Lodge was chartered in 1874 by The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Of Texas. It is rumored that there was originally Masonic five Lodges that had made up Masonic District No. 65 at that time.
Acton No. 285, Granbury No. 392, Jubilee Lodge, Paluxy Lodge No. 393 and
Bluffdale Lodge No. 724.
Grand Lodge records indicate that at the time Granbury Lodge No. 392 was chartered on June 9, 1874, there was only one firmly established Lodge in Hood County, Acton Lodge No. 285, chartered in 1866. The first Lodge chartered in Hood County was Acton Lodge No. 285, chartered in 1858.
Acton No. 285 met on the second floor of the schoolhouse in Action, which was built by the Masons. The school used the first floor and the Lodge was held on the second floor. This was not uncommon in the late 1800's and early 1900. Many Masonic buildings were two stories whereby the first was normally used schools or general stores.
It is noted later in Grand Lodge records that Acton Lodge No. 285 demised in 1922. Jubilee Lodge merged with Granbury No. 392 in 1922 and Paluxy Lodge merged with Bluff Dale No. 724 in 1943. Granbury Lodge is currently the only Lodge in Hood County in Masonic District No. 65.
Although Grand Lodge records do not show where Granbury No. 392 held lodge Granbury Lodge during it's formative years, it does indicate that Granbury No. 392 has always located in Granbury. There is speculation that Granbury No. 392 may have shared a lodge room with Action No. 285 in its early years.
Granbury Lodge No. 392 was formally located on the Square of Granbury at 122 1/2 N. Crockett St. (now the site of Century 21 Realty) before moving to it's current location at 1700 Weatherford Hwy. (Hwy 51).
Granbury No. 392 is under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas as part of Masonic District No. 65 which is composed of Glen Rose No. 525, Granbury No. 392, Milsap No. 1265, Olive Branch No. 792 and Phoenix No. 275. Charity Lodge No. 565 is located Lipan (also in Hood County) but is part of Masonic District 113.
Granbury Lodge No. 392 conducts Called meetings were every Monday, dinner at 6:30 p.m. and work to follow at 7:30 p.m. Monthly Stated meeting is the first Thursday of every month, dinner at 6:30 p.m. and work to follow at 7:30 p.m. Rotating Masonic Ritual (practice) floor workshops are held after dinner on Called meetings if no official work is performed and at 5:30 p.m. on week days. Workshop practice days are announced at the Called meetings.
Granbury No. 392 Lodge also serves as the meeting for the York Rite (Chapter/Council) bodies, Order of the Eastern Star, Shrine club, and Scottish Rite club; please call or stop by for more information.